Polyamory is a type of open relationship that falls under the umbrella of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) or consensual non-monogamy (CNM). Polyamory involves having multiple sexual, romantic, or intimate relationships with more than one person, regardless of gender.

In polyamory, all parties involved are fully aware of and consent to the rules and dynamics of the relationship. The term "polyamory" comes from the Greek words "poly," meaning "many," and "amor," meaning "love."

There are various types of polyamorous relationships, each characterized by its own set of rules, dynamics, and boundaries. If you are new to the world of open relationships and are considering trying polyamory, you may be wondering what types of polyamorous relationships exist.

There are various types of polyamorous relationships, including Vee, triads, quads, solo polyamory, mono/poly polyamory, dyads with an open partner, non-hierarchical polyamory, and hierarchical polyamory.

Three people involved with each other
We explain the different types of polyamory relationships

These relationships differ in terms of the number of people involved, the nature of the emotional, sexual, and intimate connections between them, and the way they interact. All polyamorous relationships are based on trust, consent, and clearly established rules and boundaries that suit the needs and desires of all individuals involved in these open arrangements.

Let's take a closer look at the different types of polyamorous relationships.

1. The Vee

Vee polyamory is a specific type of polyamorous relationship.A vee polyamory involves three people. One person (the "anchor," "hinge," or "pivot") has two different partners who are not romantically or sexually involved with each other.

The name "Vee" polyamory comes from the shape of the letter V. In the relationship, the anchor person is at the vertex and their two partners at the endpoints of the V.

This represents the way the anchor person "bridges" between their two partners, who are either unknown to each other, or friends or acquaintances. These two partners are known as "metamours," meaning they are dating the same person but not dating each other and may not even identify as polyamorous.

In this type of relationship, the key is that the two metamours may not consider themselves polyamorous, but they are fully informed and have still given their full consent to their shared partner having a relationship with someone else. Consent and trust are important, as well as clear communication about boundaries and agreements.

This type of relationship is based on freedom and trust, and all members of the relationship typically agree on a set of rules, such as whether or not they are allowed to date and form relationships outside of the Vee polyamorous bond. It's worth noting that a Vee polyamorous bond can be either open, with partners free to date and form relationships outside of the Vee, or closed, with all partners committed to not dating other people.

2. The triad

A triad polyamorous relationship involves three people in a consensual non-monogamous romantic, emotional, and/or sexual relationship. This type of relationship can take different forms, and the three members of the triad don't necessarily have to be sexually involved with each other.

A triad polyamorous relationship may evolve over time as different members become involved. It can consist of any combination of genders, such as two men and one woman, two women and one man, or any other combination that works for all partners. It's worth noting that triad polyamorous relationships are not restricted to specific genders.

Three people sharing a bed.
Polyamory means free and often open relationships

The different categories of triad polyamory relationships

There are various types of polyamorous triads. These include open triads, closed triads, and asexual triads.

A. The open Triad

An open triad, also known as a fully open triad polyamorous relationship, involves three people who are romantically, sexually, and/or emotionally connected to each other. In this type of relationship, all partners are free to date and connect with other people outside of the triad. This relationship is fully open!

The members of the triad don't have to know each other's other partners, and a fully open triad can arise if two metamours in a Vee polyamorous relationship decide to be romantically or sexually involved with their shared "pivot" partner, creating a triad that can be either open or closed based on their agreements.

Another type of open triad is the dyad with an open partner, which involves a closed duo relationship in which the members are romantically and sexually connected to a third partner who is allowed to date other people outside of the triad.

A triad is a poly relationship, where 3 people are involved.
A triad is a poly relationship, where 3 people are involved.

B. The closed triad

A closed triad polyamorous relationship is one in which the three people involved are only romantically and/or sexually committed to each other, with no outside partners. This type of relationship can take many different forms and is not restricted to specific genders.

C. The asexual triad

An asexual triad is a polyamorous relationship, where partners are involved in a sexless relationship that may or may not involve romance. A polyamorous asexual triad can be a satisfying alternative to a monogamous relationship for asexual people, as the asexuality spectrum includes a wide range of experiences with sexual attraction, arousal, and desire for others.

3. The Quad

A quad polyamorous relationship is one that involves four people who can be intimately and/or romantically involved with each other in all possible combinations. This type of relationship is not restricted to specific genders and may include an asexual partner if all members of the relationship agree to this.

The dynamics of a quad polyamorous arangement can vary, with the relationship taking the form of a full (where all members are actively involved with all the others) or a "N-Polyamory" (which is also known as a "fluid chain”), generally consisting on two pre established couples and one constituent of the couple is also involved with a member of the other couple.

4 people on a couch.
A quad poly relationship is when 4 people are involved.

There is also the possibility of what is called arrow polyamory (in this case one member of the quad is dating the three other integrants of the quad but those three are not romantically or sexually involved with each other), plus one polyamory (three constituents of the quad are in a triad relationship and the fourth one is also dating another partner outside of the quad). The rest of the quad combinations can become more complicated as more members of the quad become more involved with the rest of the constituents of the quad, such as, double V polyamory (only two of the quad members act like “pivots” being involved with the other remaining two people on the quad, however, the two metamours are not interrelated and neither the two “pivots”. Lastly, we can define what is knowns as complex quad (here, there are two participants of this relationship who are never involved with each other but they are involved with the rest of the integrants of the quad)

4. Hierarchical Polyamory

A hierarchical polyamory is a term that defines a polyamory relationship, where a person can have an open relationship, meaning, having different partners, which are not ranked in the same way within the arrangement, whether financially, sentimentally, sexually or other kind of interconnection. Classifications of partners, such as, primary, secondary and or tertiary are often times (and it is not depreciative) to describe the different rank or position within the relationship. The primary partner may be ranked above the rest according to the codes established in the arrangement, whether it is in the financial space, time management (eg: holiday time), sexual dates, etc.

5. Non-hierarchical Polyamory

A non- hierarchical polyamory is a term that defines a polyamory relationship, where the ‘polycule’ of the polyamory relationship do not base the integrants of this arrangements in a ranking system. In a non-hierarchical polyamory, everybody is completely equal and it is ensured by all members that no one enjoys a privilege over others. In a non-hierarchical polyamory, nobody has any influence or power over anybody else in this relationship.

6. Solo Polyamory

A solo polyamory is a polyamory relationship approach that it is defined by an individual, who engages in ethically non-monogamous relationships, which may or may not involve sex, romance and emotional intimacy. A solo polyamory is characterised by individual who do not want to be part of or merge their lifestyle towards a ‘primary or standard style relationship” in all its aspects, such as, co-living, financial share, overall daily activities and this applies to them to wanting to be strongly attached to a polyamory, such as, triads, quads or other more defined open relationships.

7. Kitchen Table Polyamory

A kitchen table polyamory relationship is the type of relationship where everyone involved in the arrangement is comfortable interrelating to each other. In other words, “where everyone in the polycule would be comfortable sitting together at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee”. Everyone in this relationship are interested in meeting their metamours and each other’s metamours, perhaps having children, be friends with them and all sort of possible nuances.

8. Parallel Polyamory

A parallel polyamory relationship is, conversely, the one where individuals part of the relationship , desire to never meet their metamours and would prefer enjoy their relationship in parallel or aside of meeting them. In an intentional parallel polyamory, everyone is kept separately on purpose, as some members of the relationship feels uncomfortable with knowing about other partners.

9. Mono-poly Relationships

Mono/poly relationship is a polyamory arrangement, where one partner identifies themselves as polyamorous and the other partner identifies themselves as monogamous. Meaning that one individual is sexually exclusive to their partner, they are part of a relationship and have consented for their partner to have other sexual partners.


There you go! polyamory relationships are becoming more common, as supposed to have a “standard relationship “. They can be very fulfilling and help you building links to many different people, where although a lot of emotional effort may involved, may open a world of new experiences and feelings.


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