As we have already defined in previous posts in this blog, when it comes to polyamory relations (whatever the type of polyamory might be), love and emotions have no normative set definition. The beauty of poly relationships resides in the fact that love, sex and emotions are lived limitless and are embraced in unrestricted ways. In poly relations, a concept that must be talked about, discussed and constantly referred to, is the concept of “boundaries”. Especially, in the context of the partnerships or metamours involved in the poly relationships. How do we defined boundaries in poly relationships? Boundaries are physical and emotional guidelines, limits and directives, that are defined and set by a person, to determine the way they wish their partners to behave around them. Obviously, these boundaries are meant to be reasonable, safe, permissive and most importantly agreed upon all the people involved in the polyamorous relationship. Setting up boundaries or limits in poly relationships can be challenging and not so simple process, but achieving consensus and mutual agreement around them, is key for a successful, enjoyable and uncomplicated poly relationship. Why are those boundaries essential in polyamorous relationships? Like in other ambits of life, the more people are involved in something, the more difficult it can get (and really quickly), to agree and work harmoniously around something. More so, in open and poly relationships, where there can be several people involved physically, sexually and emotionally, things can get messed up pretty quickly. Let’s dive into some of the most important examples of boundaries in a poly relationship, in order to maintain a healthy and enjoyable one and what could be acceptable or not to the partners involved, and this involved sexual and emotional arrangements.

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Polyamory is a classification of open relationships belonging to the Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) or Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) types of personal associations. Polyamory consensual non-monogamy, is the exercise of enjoying multiple sexual, intimate or romantic relationships with more than one sole partner, being not gender-specific. In polyamory, all the parties involved, have full knowledge and have provided full consent of the rules and dynamics of the association. Polyamory’s roots from the greek philosophy era, where it was stated that one can love (amory) or relate themselves with more than one person (poly). The different types of polyamorous bods or networks of people are characterised and defined by their own set of rules, dynamic structures and boundaries. If you are new to this world of open relationships and it is something that may want to try , often times you would think to yourself what the different types of polyamory relationships are.

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